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LNCS, or Low Noise Cabled Sensors, are available in a wide variety of designs to serve the needs of many types of patients. LNCS sensors are intended for hospitals that prefer to minimise clinician-user-interface change when upgrading their pulse oximetry to Masimo SET® and do not anticipate adopting rainbow® technology. LNCS sensors are cabled with a DB9 connector, compatible with LNC patient cables, which enables use with Masimo SET® pulse oximeters and Nellcor sensor-compatible instruments without OxiMax®.
Additional patient cables are available to connect LNCS sensors to a variety of pulse oximeters and multi-parameter monitors equipped with Masimo SET®. Adapter cables are also available for monitors with conventional Nellcor technology, allowing standardisation on sensors throughout a facility with a mixed inventory of pulse oximeters.
LNCS sensors provide excellent SpO2 performance while facilitating patient comfort with a connector positioned away from the sensor application site. Specialty LNCS sensors with built-in intelligence are available for patients with limited or no access to digits or patients with extremely low perfusion.
Speciality sensors offer built-in intelligence for specific patients with special needs. Masimo Trauma and Newborn sensors automatically enable Masimo SET® and rainbow SET™ devices to the fastest SpO2 and pulse rate readings at maximum sensitivity and allow quick application with a minimal adhesive attachment. In addition, Masimo offers ear and forehead sensors for clinicians seeking alternative monitoring sites ensuring that regardless of need or setting—operating room, emergency room, post anesthesia care unit, critical care unit, labor and delivery, transport, home care, physician office, EMS and more—clinicians have a myriad of options.
Digit sensors are designed to be applied to a finger, for spot-check or continuous measurements, and are available for adult and paediatric populations.
Forehead and ear sensors provide faster detection of desaturation and resaturation during low perfusion, compared to digit sensors. In addition, the forehead or ear may provide an easily-accessible alternate site during surgery, during resuscitation, in patients with finger deformities, or when digit access is not possible.1
Multisite sensors fit various monitoring sites (finger, toe, thumb, hand, foot) for adults, paediatric, infants, and neonates using adhesive or non-adhesive attachment wraps.
Tokuda K et al. Anesthesiology. 2007;107:A1544.
For professional use. See instructions for use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, and precautions.